Highland Cows

cows 70bc9793 fb0b 4319 ac36 70ed4d6f2f65

Highland Cows, near Nairn, Scottish Highlands 2019

The Witch of Wands

WitchOfWands.JPG 61519cde 09af 420a 850e 936118579eaa

Tarot card inspired sequence shot in IR chrome, Scottish Highlands 2021

Burn the Witch

DSC 0359 (file 6056x4032).JPG 560417f6 2110 476c 8b8d fba0c7f51487

Tarot card inspired sequence shot in IR chrome, Scottish Highlands 2020

The Garden

the garden2 e86d3f50 486c 4449 8b2c 755c187cc059

IR Chrome and film emulation – shot on the first day out from lockdown. Chiswick House, London UK

The Beekeeper

ABC3204 (NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D200 3904x2616) 5ad9ffb9 f3d3 4bd1 b7d3 764f16d80585

IR chrome and digital film emulation to recreate the look of original Kodak Aerochrome. Shot in a park on the first day out of lockdown. Chiswick House, London.

Simpsonwood Chapel

simpsonwoodchapel ae3b6caf f637 4e42 a156 e525e1901b30

This sweet little chapel tucked in the woods is home to many weddings throughout the year and it’s difficult to take photos without crowds of people. As leaves began to fall and winter approached, I realized I had fewer opportunities to take an IR photo so I went out on a Thursday to see if […]

St John Starlight

St John Starlight 23bc566a bb45 4962 90bc cbdbe8d007e6

I intend for this to be submitted to the Astrophotography Category but there was not a contest category for that in the drop down above. This is a night shot of Hart Bay on St John, USVI taken with at 14mm, ISO 250 at 25 seconds.

Wasp between fireworks

Wasp between fireworks Pau Ward Donderis 953e2567 f59f 48a0 aa94 faf67ac32e84

I took this photo while shopping in a garden center. It is always a joyful place where to see bugs trying to get as much polen as they can. In this image you can see a wasp searching for polen among the callistemos filaments. The lines remind me of the trails left by fireworks when […]

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is now open! 

Filters and accessories now shipping from Slovenia with VAT included and quick DHL shipping.
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