Evensong 5

Photo essay
Evensong 4

for photo essay
Evensong 3

part of photo essay – lockdown series
Evensong 2

Part of photo essay
Evensong 1

“Evensong” The word evensong’ refers to a church service traditionally held near sunset, focused on singing psalms and canticles. In origin, it is identical to the canonical hour of Vespers, when all the candles in the church are lit. The first five photographs in this essay comprise the beginning of my experience with infrared photography, […]
Sunflower UVIF

UV Induced Fluorescence from a sunflower using three UV arms Nikon D750 with vintage Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 50mm lens 30 seconds , F22, ISO 100
Rocks and Flowers UVIF

Sempervivum and Rhodanthamum flowers showing Ultra Violet Induced Fluorescence. 4 second exposure under three UV arms using Nikon D750 with vintage Carl Zeiss 50mm lens. The colours have been inverted.
Three Peaks

The Dolomite Mountain located in northeastern Italy.
Mount Bromo

View of Mount Bromo in Indonesia.
The Rock

The picture of the rock is taken with a ND Filter.
Tree Trunk

The picture of the Tree Trunk on the beach is taken during the sunset.

The Lake with Mountain as a background in Italy is photographed early in the morning with a Kolari IR-Filter 665nm.