Download the False Color Suite from Kolari Vision here!
This suite is comprised of 5 actions, the standard channel swap, a channel swap that only keeps the blue color, a 665 to 720nm action, a 590nm to 665nm action, and a 590 to 720nm action. All actions are meant to be run on the picture direct from the camera, before it has been channel swapped.
What each action does:
Standard Channel Swap– This performs a standard channel swap, changing red skies to blue, then auto levels the image, and nothing else.Channel Swap and Only Blue Color– This performs the Standard Channel Swap above, and then reduces the hues of all other colors besides blue. This is intended for the 720nm filter, it will enhance the white color of the leaves. It fixes some white balance issues where the leaves remain slightly pink, purple, or yellow. If you are using the 665nm or 590nm filters, use the actions below instead.665nm to 720nm – Performs a channel swap and then reduces the hue of yellow channel. It goes further than the action above, and increases the brightness of leaves as well to look like a 720nm filter was used. Also recommended to run this action first if using the 665nm filter for B+W pictures, it will increase the contrast of leaves.590nm to 665nm – Makes the 590nm look like the 665nm filter was used.590nm to 720nm – Makes the 590nm look like the 720nm filter was used. Also recommended to run this action first if using the 590nm filter for B+W pictures, it will increase the contrast of leaves.NOTE: All actions are written based on starting from the original, non channel swapped image. If you are starting with an already channel swapped image, you can run the standard channel swap action, then run any of the other actions.

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