Penelope Taylor is a New Jersey-based photographic artist. Her father introduced Penelope to single-lens reflex film cameras in her early teens. In 2003, she began working with digital cameras and later embraced the iPhone (camera) as an artistic tool. Her passion is traveling throughout the United States and Canada to capture her favorite subject — landscape.penelope taylor penelope taylor infrared footsteps in the sand THE-GUARDIANS_Penelope-Taylor-1-1024x684 8500383-proc-flat-8bit-1100-1-1024x682Over three years ago, she began to exclusively produce work using Nikon digital cameras that have been converted for infrared photography. In 2017, Penelope began to offer infrared-specific landscape workshops where she teaches capture and black-and-white processing techniques. She is available for group lectures and one-to-one instruction (in person or via the internet). Follow her on Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: website blog:

I have always been drawn to black and white landscapes.

I find simplicity, serenety, and a sense of timeless quality about them. I might have been influenced in my youth when I
spent outside with my SLR film camera and Kodak Tri-X followed by time in the wet darkroom.

By setting my digital cameras to capture images in black and white, I easily see
from, shape, lines, and patterns. Byremoving the color, i am not distracted, overwhelmed, or influenced by it.

Very quickly, i get to the essence of the scene before me. Penlope Taylor’s blog

I have always been drawn to black and white landscapes.

I find simplicity, serenety, and a sense of timeless quality about them. I might have been influenced in my youth when I
spent outside with my SLR film camera and Kodak Tri-X followed by time in the wet darkroom.

By setting my digital cameras to capture images in black and white, I easily see
from, shape, lines, and patterns. Byremoving the color, i am not distracted, overwhelmed, or influenced by it.

Very quickly, i get to the essence of the scene before me. Penlope Taylor’s blog

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